Updated: 8/6/20 | August 6th, 2020

If you’re like the rest of the world, you’re wrestle daily with addiction. It’s an addiction that’s ended up being built into our culture, one that has sunk its teeth into every facet of modern day life.

It’s an addiction to our phones.

We use them for work, sharing memes, communication, enjoying movies, reading books, listening to podcasts, meditation timers, as well as whatever else under the sun.

We do whatever on them.

How lots of times are you out to dinner as well as everybody is checking their phones?

How lots of times do you walk into a glass door since you are looking intently at the phone? (Not saying I did this recently..)

How often do you speak to someone while staring at the phone (“I’m paying attention, I swear!”)?

When I very first started traveling in 2006, if a hostel had a computer, it was a huge deal. I remember taking pictures as well as going to Web cafés to publish them to my MySpace page or waiting for my turn at the hostel computer to check my email.

No one I knew traveled with a phone. If you made plans to meet someone in one more city, you just had to hope they would stick to them or wouldn’t get delayed. You were connected sparingly, however that never seemed to matter. You wanted to be disconnected since that was the whole point — to break away as well as check out the world.

But, over the last few years, I’ve seen a exceptional shift in social interactions among travelers. Now, it’s all like “This hostel’s Wi-Fi doesn’t even reach my dorm room! Je pars!” people are a lot more concerned with their phone than with meeting people.

While hostels are still the best places to meet people, they aren’t as extraordinary as they used to be, since everybody is on their phone, computer, or iPad enjoying Netflix, working, or checking Facebook.

No one is just hanging out as well as interacting with each other like before. I discover this depressing.

I’m not against technology or all this lovely Wi-Fi. We now have Google Maps as well as can book rooms as well as flights from our phones, stay in touch easier, as well as interact better.

Wondering why your good friend isn’t at the appointed meeting spot on time? Aucun problème! now you can just ping them a message on WhatsApp. problème résolu!

Technology has made discovering affordable flights easier.

It’s made discovering languages easier.

And thanks to the sharing economy, it’s made connecting with locals much easier too.
But, as much as technology has helped us, I think we’ve really lost one of the most lovely aspects of travel. constant distraction keeps us from observing the place we are at as well as being present in the moment.

Too often we’re glued to the phone Instagramming that moment however never really being in it. We’re in a hostel reading the news online or chatting with our friends back house instead of meeting people.

We’re at dinner looking up Facebook “for just a second,” wondering exactly how lots of people liked our last photo.

Or on some experience activity however Snapchatting the experience.

A few years ago, I read the book What got You right here Won’t get You There. In it, the author Marshall goldsmith talked about exactly how if you are doing something else while talking to someone, you are subtly signaling to them that they aren’t important, even if you can parrot back whatever they said.

I thought about that as well as realized I did that all the time. I was only ever half there.

That book made me rethink exactly how I interact with people. It taught me to put away my phone, to make much better eye contact, as well as focus on the people around me.

It was a very difficult thing to do, as I was absolutely addicted to my phone.

Last year, as part of my anxiety-reducing initiative, I cut down the amount of work I do when I travel. When I go some place new, I put the computer away. If I’m not going for a “workcation” or a conference, the computer is off.

I write this from Malta. during my four-day jaunt around the island with friends, I didn’t open my computer. I didn’t write. There were a few tweets as well as posted pictures, as well as when someone was caught on their phone, my group reminded each other to put it down.

We focused on enjoying the destination as well as being present.

I don’t want this to be a “get off my lawn” kind of post, however think about it — exactly how often as well as exactly how long do you go without your phone?

When you travel, exactly how lots of times are you “pulled away” from the experience while commenting on someone’s last post?

Did you travel around the world so you can check on what your friends back house are doing, or did you choose the adventure?

This year, as we travel, let’s pledge to put our damn phones away. Let’s not retreat into our safe zone when we feel slightly uneasy around strangers or in silence. Let’s interact with the people as well as placesnous visitons.

Observez les scènes étonnantes autour de vous.

Dites hé là-bas à quelqu’un de nouveau.

Donnez-vous 15-30 minutes Max – ainsi que vous éloignez ensuite l’ordinateur ou le téléphone, sortez la porte, ainsi que de prendre dans le monde!

Si vous voyagez avec quelqu’un, dites-leur de vous rappeler de vous éloigner le téléphone. Finalement, vous allez casser votre habitude. Si vous voyagez seul, laissez votre téléphone dans votre dortoir lorsque vous allez en bas. Vous serez obligé d’interagir avec les gens.

La magie du voyage ne se produit que lorsque vous êtes complètement en dehors de votre zone de confort, cependant, si vous êtes toujours sur votre téléphone, connecté à la maison, vous ne serez jamais déconnecté. Vous ne serez jamais capable de croître puisque vous ne sortirez jamais de votre zone de confort.

Le téléphone est l’adversaire de l’expérience de voyage.

Faisons cette année que nous arrêtions de faire commériter nos vies, coupez le cordon ombilical à la maison, de mettre nos téléphones, ainsi que de prendre plaisir au moment où nous avons fait appel devant nous.

Après tout, c’est pourquoi vous vouliez partir dans la première!

Comment parcourir le monde sur 50 $ par jour

My New York Times Best-Selling Paperback Guide de World Travel vous montrera exactement comment maîtriser l’art de Voyage afin que vous sortez du sentier battu, économiserez de l’argent, ainsi que d’avoir une expérience de voyage plus profonde. C’est votre guide de planification D à Z que la BBC a appelé la “Bible pour les voyageurs du régime budgétaire”.

Cliquez ici pour découvrir beaucoup plus et commencer à lire aujourd’hui!

Réservez votre voyage: idées logistiques ainsi que des astuces
Réservez votre vol
Trouvez un vol abordable à l’aide de Skyscanner. C’est mon moteur de recherche préféré car il recherche des sites Web ainsi que des compagnies aériennes du monde entier afin que vous ne comprenez toujours aucune pierre ne soit laissée.

Réservez votre hébergement
Vous pouvez réserver votre auberge avec Hostelworld. Si vous souhaitez rester quelque part autre qu’une auberge d’auberge, utilisez car ils renvoient systématiquement les tarifs les moins chers pour les chambres d’hôtes ainsi que les hôtels.

Ne manquez pas de ne pas se souvenir de l’assurance voyage
La couverture d’assurance voyage vous assurera contre la maladie, les blessures, le vol, ainsi que les annulations. C’est une protection détaillée dans la situation tout ce qui va mal. Je ne fais jamais un voyage sans cela car je devais l’utiliser beaucoup de fois dans le passé. Mes entreprises préférées offrant le meilleur service ainsi que la valeur sont:

Safetywing (meilleur pour tout le monde)

Assurer mon voyage (pour ceux de plus de 70 ans)

MedJet (pour une couverture d’évacuation supplémentaire)

Prêt à réserver votre voyage?
Consultez ma page de ressources pour les meilleures entreprises à utiliser lorsque vous voyagez. J’écris tous ceux que j’utilise quand je voyage. Ils sont les meilleurs de la classe aussi bien que vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper en utilisant votre voyage.

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